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m (→‎Using WMI: Added Win32_userAccount)
m (Added "Credentials")
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== Using WMI ==
== Credentials ==
When running commands that require a connection to a remote machine its useful to be able to store a user/pass combination so that you aren't repeatedly prompted every time you run a command.  Create a credential object, then supply that in place of a username in a command
PS H:\> $cred = Get-Credential
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
PS H:\> Get-WMIObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" -credential $cred -computer
SystemDirectory : C:\WINDOWS\system32
Organization    : TF
BuildNumber    : 3790
RegisteredUser  : TF
SerialNumber    : 69712-640-3560061-45009
Version        : 5.2.3790
== WMI ==

Cmdlet for using WMI via PowerShell is '''Get-WMIObject''', which has an alias of '''gwmi''', for example...
Cmdlet for using WMI via PowerShell is '''Get-WMIObject''', which has an alias of '''gwmi''', for example...