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Thanks again for putting together these tools!
Thanks again for putting together these tools!
-Tyson Flint

Revision as of 18:49, 30 July 2014


Hi there,

really useful info on getting PS to talk to SNMP, thanks.

One thing I can't figure out in your examples though:

PS C:\Users\simon\Documents\Scripts> . .\lib\SNMP-Funcs.ps1 What does this line do? I can't find any reference to a script called SNMP-Funcs.ps1 elsewhere in the article.

I've followed your steps and everything *seems* to be working except I get no output when running the "get" and "walk" scripts and I suspect the above line my be the culprit!

Thanks in advance,



OK, I realize no one has responded in a year, but perhaps someone will find this info useful...

The author is just using a different file name called '. .\lib\SNMP-Funcs.ps1' in his example. It is the same as 'SNMP.ps1'

In the example below, BigDipper is my 'scripts' folder. I have a sub-folder under it called 'lib' with SNMP.ps1 in it and a sub-folder under 'lib' called 'LexTmSharpSNMP' with 'SharpSnmpLib.dll' in it:




PS C:\users\tyson\Downloads\snmp\PowerShell\BigDipper> . .\lib\SNMP.ps1

PS C:\users\tyson\Downloads\snmp\PowerShell\BigDipper> Load-SnmpAssembly | fl

CodeBase  : file:///C:/users/tyson/Downloads/snmp/PowerShell/BigDipper/lib/LexTmSharpSNMP/SharpSnmpLib.dll EntryPoint  : EscapedCodeBase  : file:///C:/users/tyson/Downloads/snmp/PowerShell/BigDipper/lib/LexTmSharpSNMP/SharpSnmpLib.dll FullName  : SharpSnmpLib, Version=7.5.10510.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db32884da8b9d0dd GlobalAssemblyCache  : False HostContext  : 0 ImageFileMachine  : ImageRuntimeVersion  : v2.0.50727 Location  : C:\users\tyson\Downloads\snmp\PowerShell\BigDipper\lib\LexTmSharpSNMP\SharpSnmpLib.dll ManifestModule  : SharpSnmpLib.dll MetadataToken  : PortableExecutableKind : ReflectionOnly  : False

PS C:\users\tyson\Downloads\snmp\PowerShell\BigDipper> Invoke-SNMPget "" "."

OID Data

--- ----

. 1

PS C:\users\tyson\Downloads\snmp\PowerShell\BigDipper>

The Wiki is pulling all my spaces out of the output between the final OID and the Data fields. It's returning:

OID = .

Data = 1

Request for Invoke-SnmpSet

These scripts have been great in that I can now capture SNMP info into PowerShell objects. It would be even a nicer tool if we could have an additional routine created for setting SNMP values. I'm not strong in C#, but believe this reference could come in handy in writing the script:

Thanks again for putting together these tools!

-Tyson Flint