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m (Added "VMware VirtualCentre Server service won't start")
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== Troubleshooting ==
=== VMware VirtualCentre Server service won't start ===
'''Service-specific error 2 (0x2)'''
Caused by the SQL service being unavailable, therefore investigate why this is so. 

If SQL is running on the same server, and the service failed after a reboot, its likely that its starting too quickly and SQL isn't ready.  Either, make the service automatically restart after X mins (good practise anyway), and/or make the service depend on SQL.
To make the VirtualCentre Server service depend on the SQL service
# Find the name of the SQL service
#* Find the MSSQL key in the following hive (will probably be MSSQL, MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS, etc)
#* <code> HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services </code>
# Make VC service dependant on it
#* Browse to <code> HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\vpxd </code>
#* Add the name of the SQL service to the <code> DependOnService </code> value (there must be a blank line at the end still)