Clipperz Password Manager

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Instructions on setting up a private version of the Clipperz password manager using the Community Edition.


  • You'll need both the GitHub core and Python GitHub packages installed, so if required
    • apt-get install git-core
    • apt-get install python-git
  • Access to a MySQL database to store your (encrypted) data into
  • A website to host on
    • This can either be sub-directory to an existing site, or a new site. Though it would be advisable for it to be secure (HTTPS).


  1. Download the GIT package to a working directory (eg your home dir)
  2. Change directory into the download and build a deployable version
    • cd password-manager
    • ./scripts/build clean install debug --frontends beta --backends php
  3. Move the contents of target/php to your web directory
    • EG mv target/php /var/www/clipperz
    • This can either be sub-directory to an existing site, or a new site. See below for an example config for a new Apache site.
  4. Create database
    1. Launch the MySQL console
      • mysql -u root -p
    2. Create database
      • CREATE DATABASE clipperz;
    3. Create user for script
      • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON clipperz.* TO 'clipperz'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'clipperz';
  5. Update the config with your database details
    • vi configuration.php
  6. Initialise the database - Browse to <your-site>/setup/index.php and click on POG me up, then Proceed
  7. Remove the ability to access the database via the web
    • rm -fr setup
  8. Browse to website and start using, eg <your-site>/beta/index.html

Logout Page

The logout page doesn't exist. Which means that when you go logout (or re-login when your session has expired) you end up with a page not found error. Create a logout.html page in the same directory as the main index.html page (eg something like <your-site>/beta/logout.html with the following content...

<a href='index.html'>Back to login page</a>