VI-DB index.php v1

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$time_start = microtime(true);

//Local variables etc
require 'config.php';

// open connection and select database
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect to database!");
mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");

//Set debug on if required
if (array_key_exists('debug', $_REQUEST) and ($_REQUEST["debug"] == 1)) {
	$debug = 1;

// show parameters and errors
if ($debug) {
	print "<br>";

print "DISCLAIMER: Please use all information gained from here with caution - I haven't performed exhaustive validation and testing of any of the information that may be presented. <br>\n";
print "If you're making changes or decisions, please double check with the reality of what is displayed by the vCentre servers.  You retain full responsibility for your actions...!\n ";
print "<!--[if IE]>\n";
print "<span style='color:red;'><b>Internet Explorer is not supported - the search form will not work properly, use any other browser</b></span>\n";
print "<![endif]-->\n";

// ----------------- Layout table --------------------------------
print "<table align='center' cellspacing=10><tr><td valign='top'>\n";

// ----------------- vCentre table -------------------------------
print "<h1>Virtual Infrastructure Summary</h1>\n";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT site, name, ver, build, last_pass, vcid FROM vc ORDER BY site, name;");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
	die ("No VC's found in db!!! Unexpected error!");
$tot_esx = 0;
$tot_vm= 0;
print "<table class='BasicTable' align='center' valign='top'><tr><th>Site<th>vCentre<th>ESXs<th>VMs<th>Ver<th>Build<th>Last Check\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
	$num_esx = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM esx WHERE vcid=". $row['vcid'] ." AND exist=1;"), 0);
	$num_vm = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vm WHERE vcid=". $row['vcid'] ." AND exist=1;"), 0);
	print "<tr><td>".$row['site']."<td><a href='vc-detail.php?vcid=".$row['vcid']."'>".$row['name']."</a><td>$num_esx<td>$num_vm<td>".$row['ver']."<td>".$row['build']."<td>".$row['last_pass']."\n";
	$tot_esx += $num_esx;
	$tot_vm += $num_vm;
print "<tr><td colspan = 2>Total for all sites:<td>$tot_esx<td>$tot_vm<td><td>\n";
print "</table>";

// ------------------ Layout table cell --------------------------
print "\n<td valign='top'>\n";

// ------------------- VM Search Form ----------------------------
print "<h1>VM Search</h1>\n";

print "<table class='SearchTable' align='center'><form method='GET'>\n";
print "<tr><td>By Name:<td>";
print "<input type='text' name='name' size=20";
if (array_key_exists('name', $_REQUEST)) {
	print " value='".$_REQUEST["name"]."'";
print	"> &nbsp<button type='submit' name='search' value='name'>Find VM</button>\n";
print "<tr><td>By IP:<td>";
print "<input type='text' name='ip' size=20";
if (array_key_exists('ip', $_REQUEST)) {
	print " value='".$_REQUEST["ip"]."'";
print "> &nbsp<button type='submit' name='search' value='ip'>Find VM</button>\n";
print "<tr><td>By VC Folder:<td>";
print "<input type='text' name='folder' size=20";
if (array_key_exists('folder', $_REQUEST)) {
	print " value='".$_REQUEST["folder"]."'";
print "> &nbsp<button type='submit' name='search' value='folder'>Find VM</button>\n";
print "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>";
if ((array_key_exists('vm_on', $_REQUEST)) and ($_REQUEST["vm_on"] == 1)) {
	print "<input type='checkbox' name='vm_on' value=1 checked>Only Powered On";
} else {
	print "<input type='checkbox' name='vm_on' value=1>Only Powered On";
if ((array_key_exists('vm_gone', $_REQUEST)) and ($_REQUEST["vm_gone"] == 1)) {
	print "&nbsp<input type='checkbox' name='vm_gone' value=1 checked>Include old/deleted";
} else {
	print "&nbsp<input type='checkbox' name='vm_gone' value=1>Include old/deleted";
print "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>";
if ((array_key_exists('show', $_REQUEST)) and ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'vm')) {
	print "<input type='radio' name='show' value='esx'>Show Cluster ESXs &nbsp<input type='radio' name='show' value='vm' checked>Show VM Detail";
} else {
	print "<input type='radio' name='show' value='esx' checked>Show Cluster ESXs &nbsp<input type='radio' name='show' value='vm'>Show VM Detail";
print "<tr><td colspan=2><span style='font-size:8pt;'>Wildcards (* and ?) are supported</span>";
print "</form></table>\n";

// ------------------- Layout table cell ----------------------
print "\n<td valign='top'>\n";

// ----------------- Last Passes table ----------------------------
print "<h1>Data Collection Runs</h1>\n";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT start, end, version, error, warn FROM script_run ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 6;");
print "<table class='BasicTable' align='center' valign='top'><tr><th>Run start<th>Run end<th>Ver<th>Errors<th>Warns\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
	if (is_null($row['end'])) {
		print "<tr><td>".$row['start']."<td colspan=4>Script run did not complete (fatal error)\n";
	} else {
		print "<tr><td>".$row['start']."<td>".$row['end']."<td>".$row['version']."<td>".$row['error']."<td>".$row['warn']."\n";
print "</table>";

// ------------------- Layout table new row ------------------------
print "\n<tr><td colspan=3>\n";

// ------------------- Handle seach request ------------------------
// perform any required db actions
if (array_key_exists('search', $_REQUEST)) {
	print "<h1>Search results...</h1>";
} else {
	print "<h1>Hints and Tips</h1>";
	print "<ul><li>Both VM names and OS hostnames are searched\n";
	print "<li>VM IP's are only known if the VM was up with VM Tools running when a data collection run occurred (IP's are not lost if a VM is now down, but was up)</li>\n";
	print "<li>Wildcards...\n";
	print "    <ul><li>* - matches any character none or more times</li>\n";
	print "        <li>? - matches any character exactly once (eg GWA-SR-MSSQL-?0 would match GWA-SR-MSSQL-10, GWA-SR-MSSQL-20, etc</li></ul>\n";
	print "<li>Errors are generally caused by the data collection script not being able to connect to a vCentre</li>\n";
	print "<li>Warns are generally caused by the data collection script not being able to link bits of data together (under 100 is normal)</li>\n";
	print "</ul>\n";
// ------------------- Layout table end ------------------------------
print "</table>\n";

// ------------------- Footer -----------------------------------------

<!--[if IE]>
<span style='color:red;'><b>Internet Explorer is not supported - the search form will not work properly, use any other browser</b></span>

<br>Search page &nbsp <a href='status.php'>Status page</a><br>

$time = round((microtime(true) - $time_start)*1000);
print "Page took $time msecs to execute on server";

// ------------------- End of HTML ---------------------------------
print "</body><html>";

// ================ FUNCTIONS ============================

function find_vm() {
	global $debug;
	$query = "SELECT AS vm, INET_NTOA(vm2ip.ip) AS ip, AS vc, AS cluster, cluster.clid, vm.vmid, vm.exist, vm.is_on";
	if ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'esx') {
	} elseif ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'vm') {
		$query .= ", vm_ext.cpu, vm_ext.mem, vm_ext.vc_path ";
	$query .= " FROM vm JOIN vm_ext USING (vmid) LEFT JOIN vm2ip USING (vmid) JOIN vc USING (vcid) JOIN cluster USING (clid) ";
	if ($_REQUEST["search"] == 'name') {
		$query .= "WHERE LIKE '". search_char($_REQUEST["name"]) ."' OR vm.hostname LIKE '". search_char($_REQUEST["name"])."%' ";
	} elseif ($_REQUEST["search"] == 'ip') {
		$query .= "WHERE INET_NTOA(vm2ip.ip) LIKE '". search_char($_REQUEST["ip"]) ."' ";
	} elseif ($_REQUEST["search"] == 'folder') {
		$query .= "WHERE vm_ext.vc_path LIKE '". search_char($_REQUEST["folder"]) ."' ";
	} else {
		die ("Unexpected params ...!!");
	if ((array_key_exists('vm_on', $_REQUEST)) and ($_REQUEST["vm_on"] == 1)) {
		$query .= "AND vm.is_on = 1 ";
	if (!((array_key_exists('vm_gone', $_REQUEST)) and (!$_REQUEST["vm_gone"] == 0))) {
			$query .= "AND vm.exist = 1 ";
	$query .= "GROUP BY vm.vmid ORDER BY,,;";

	if ($debug) {
		print ($query);

	$result = mysql_query($query);
	if (!$result) {
		print ("<b>Query failed !!!!<br>Query:</b> $query<br><b>Error:</b> ". mysql_error());
	if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
		print ("No results found....");
	if ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'esx') {
		print "<table class='BasicTable' align='center' valign='top'><tr><th>Name<th>IP<th>State<th>vCentre<th>Cluster<th>ESXs\n";
	} elseif ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'vm') {
		print "<table class='BasicTable' align='center' valign='top'><tr><th>Name<th>IP<th>State<th>Cluster<th>vCPU<th>Mem(MB)<th>Folder<th>Cluster\n";
	$current_vmid = 0;
	$odd_row = false;
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
		$odd_row = !$odd_row;
		if ($odd_row) {
			print "<tr class='odd'>";
		} else {
			print "<tr>";
		if ($row['exist']) {
			if ($row['is_on']) {
				$vm_state = "ON";
			} else {
				$vm_state = "OFF";
		} else {
			$vm_state = "gone";
		print "<td><a href='vm-detail.php?vmid=".$row['vmid']."'><b>".$row['vm']."</b></a><td>".$row['ip']."<td>$vm_state<td>".$row['vc'];
		if ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'esx') {
			$esxs = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(name SEPARATOR ', ') FROM esx WHERE clid=". $row['clid'] .";"), 0);
			$res = mysql_query("SELECT FROM vm JOIN esx USING (esxid) WHERE vmid=". $row['vmid'] .";");
			if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
				$esx = mysql_result($res, 0);
				$esxs = str_replace($esx, "<span class='current_esx'>$esx</span>", $esxs);
			print "<td><a href='cluster-detail.php?clid=".$row['clid']."'>".$row['cluster']."</a><td>$esxs\n";
		} elseif ($_REQUEST["show"] == 'vm') {
			print "<td>".$row['cpu']."<td>".$row['mem']."<td>".$row['vc_path']."<td><a href='cluster-detail.php?clid=".$row['clid']."'>".$row['cluster']."</a>\n";
	print "</table>\n";
	print "Found ". mysql_num_rows($result) ." VMs";

function search_char ($text) {
	return (str_replace(array("*", "?"), array("%", "_"), trim($text)));
