Arrays (PowerShell)
$array = @() # Create blank array
$array = @("one", "two", 3) # Create an array with some values
$array += 34 # Add value to end of array
To create an array (table) with column headings, initialise an array, then create a row variable with the column headings and add this row to the array. This is convenient when building a table of data within a loop eg
$table = @()
foreach ($instance in $set) {
$row = "" | Select Heading1, Heading2, Heading3
$row.Heading1 = "something"
$row.Heading2 = "like"
$row.Heading3 = "this"
$table += $row
Add rows to an array
> $array = @()
> $row = "" | Select h1,h2,h3
> $row.h1 = "esx1"
> $row.h2 = "HBA1"
> $row.h3 = "LUN1"
> $array = $array + $row
> $row = "" | Select h1,h2,h3
> $row.h1 = "esx2"
> $row.h2 = "HBA1"
> $row.h3 = "LUN2"
> $array = $array + $row
> $array
h1 h2 h3
-- -- --
esx1 HBA1 LUN1
esx2 HBA1 LUN2
Select row from array
Using above array as example...
> if (($array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx2"})) {"true"} else {"false"}
> if (($array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx3"})) {"true"} else {"false"}
> $array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx2"}
h1 h2 h3
-- -- --
esx2 HBA1 LUN2
> $array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx2"} | Select -ExpandProperty h2
Array Types
.NET Array Lists are far more flexible than PowerShell arrays. With ArrayLists you can easily Add and Remove members and generally enjoy much more flexibility when it comes to manipulating its contents. Despite showing a full range of available methods (when piped through a Get-Member
), PS arrays generally don't have many available methods. To confirm the type that you have...
> $ArrayList.gettype()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True ArrayList System.Object
> $PSArray.gettype()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
To force the creation of a .NET array from a PowerShell CmdLet, create one in a fashion such as this...
$a = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Empty array
$a = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList(,(Get-Content test.txt)) # Populated with contents of test.txt
$hash = @{} # Create blank array
$hash["Name"] = "Value" # Add value to end of array
$hash.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name # Sort hashtable
To loop through a hash table
$hash.Keys | % {
Write-Host "key = $_"
Write-Host "value = " + $hash.Item($_)