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It easiest to perform an upgrade by preparing the files for the website first. Then once you're confident all is well, switching over is quick and relatively seamless.

To check your current running versions (assuming you're logging to /var/log/z-push/z-push.log)...

  • Z-Push
    • grep "] Version=" /var/log/z-push/z-push.log
  • Zimbra backend
    • grep "Zimbra Backend version" /var/log/z-push/z-push.log

Make sure you read the release notes for the new versions of software that you are installing. You may need to make additional changes as part of the upgrade that are not covered here.


  1. Create a folder for Z-Push on your webserver
    • EG mkdir /var/www/z-push-v2.0.6
  2. Download the latest Z-Push version (see http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/) to a temp folder and unpack
  3. Move the contents to your webserver folder
    • EG mv z-push-2.0.6-1616/* /var/www/z-push/z-push-v2.0.6/
  4. Download the Zimbra Z-Push backend into a /zimbra folder under the backend folder
  5. Copy across the config from your old install
    • I tend to do a diff of my existing and the new config files first in order to detect that there are new config settings that I might be wiping out
      • EG diff /var/www/z-push/config.php /var/www/z-push-v2.0.6/config.php
    • Also note that ptior to Z-Push v2.0.6, all config was in only file (see Z-Push Config for more info)
    • EG cp /var/www/z-push/config.php /var/www/z-push-v2.0.6/config.php

Go Live

  1. Move old install out of the way
    • EG mv /var/www/z-push /var/www/z-push-v2.0.5
  2. Move new install into place
    • EG mv /var/www/z-push-v2.0.6 /var/www/z-push
  3. Restart webserver
    • apache2ctl -k graceful


  1. Browse to your server, eg http://as.domain.com/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
    • You should be prompted for a username and password (for an account on your Zimbra server)
    • If Apache has failed to deliver the prompt to you, check the webserver log. Either your website isn't configured correctly or Z-Push experienced a PHP error.
  2. Enter a valid Zimbra user/pass
    • You should get a page showing "Z-Push - Open Source ActiveSync" which doesn't contain errors - this confirms that connectivity exists between all the required components (Apache, Z-Push, Zimbra), and that they are basically OK.
  3. Using a mobile device test expected functionality
    • Email sending (send to yourself so you test receiving as well)
    • Create a test contact on device and check sync to server
    • Create a test contact on server and chack sync to device
    • As above for a calendar item
    • As above for a task