Virtual Machine PowerCLI One-Liners
Get list of VM's
Get list of VM's
Sort by Name
Get list of VM's, sorted by name
Get-VM | Sort -Property Name
Within a Folder
Get VM within a specific folder (for when you've VM's with identical names if different folders)
Get-VM -Name MyVM -Location (Get-Folder -Name "MyFolder")
Within a vApp
Get VM within a specific vApp
Get-VM -Location (Get-vApp "vApp name")
Get VM guest Info
Get VM guest OS info (IP address, etc)
Get-VMGuest -VM (Get-VM -Name MyVM)
Get list of VM's and their UUID's
Get-VM MyVM | %{(Get-View $_.Id).config.uuid}
Get VM's VMX Path
Get list of virtual machine config file paths in a particular vApp (for VM's in a folder use Get-Folder
instead of Get-vApp
Get-VM -Location (Get-vApp "vApp Name") | Get-View | %{$_.Config.Files.VmPathName} | Sort
Get VM Power On/Off Events
Get Power On/Off times and events for VM
get-VM MyVM | Get-VIEvent | Where {$_.fullFormattedMessage -like "*Power*"}
Storage vMotion
Storage vMotion (SvMotion) a VM to a different datastore, most commonly used on ESX3 / VI3 where storage vMotion is supported by the infrastructure, but not the VI Client!
Get-VM MyVM | Move-VM -datastore (Get-datastore "DestinationDatastore")
Move VMs to New PortGroup Network
The following will reconfigure all VM in the specified folder to move from network A to network B
Get-VM -Location (Get-Folder "InThisFolder") | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where {$_.NetworkName -eq "Network A"} | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "Network B" -Confirm:$false
Borrowed in part from
Gracefully Shutdown a VM
Sends OS shutdown command via VM Tools
Shutdown-VMGuest -VM (Get-VM -name "vserver1")
Get Snapshot info for a VM
Get Snapshot size, date created, and other info for a VM
Get-VM MyVM | Get-Snapshot | Select-Object -Property Name, Description, Created, SizeMB | Format-List *
Start Snapshot on Multiple VMs
Assumes you've already got an array object of VMs containing the VM's you want to snapshot (eg $VMs = Get-VM -Location (Get-Folder -Name "MyFolder")
for VM's in a particular folder, see Get_list_of_VM's for further info)
New-Snapshot -Name "Pre change XYZ snapshot" -Description "Requested by TJ Hooker" -Memory -Quiesce -VM $vms
Roll-back to Snapshot on Multiple VMs
Rolls back VM's to snapshots previously taken (assumes you've already got an array object of VMs containing the VM's you want to rollback for)
foreach ($vm in $vms) {Set-VM -VM $vm -Snapshot (Get-Snapshot -VM $vm -Name "Pre change XYZ snapshot") -Confirm:$false}
Delete/Merge Snapshot on Multiple VMs
Deletes snapshots previously taken so that VMs continue as they are currently, but lose the ability to fall-back to the snapshot (assumes you've already got an array object of VMs containing the VM's you want to delete snapshots for)
foreach ($vm in $vms) {Remove-Snapshot -Snapshot (Get-Snapshot -VM $vm -Name "Pre change XYZ snapshot") -Confirm:$false}