Installation (Zimbra)
This procedure was written using Zimbra v6 installation, and the reference below, but I've also used it as a guide for v7 (the installation process hasn't changed. Note that if you are installing on a server with a private address that is to be NAT'ed you'll need ensure that you've got Split-DNS set-up, and I'd recommend a quick read through the DNS requirements regardless.
- Copy the install to the server
- EG
pscp zcs-6.0.5_GA_2213.UBUNTU8.20100202225756.tgz simons@mail:zcs-6.0.5_GA_2213.UBUNTU8.20100202225756.tgz
- EG
- Uncompress the package
tar -xzf zcs-6.0.5_GA_2213.UBUNTU8.20100202225756.tgz
- Start the install
- The install will fail due to missing packages!
- Install the missing prerequisite packages
- EG
apt-get install libpcre3 libgmp3c2 libstdc++5 sysstat
- EG
- Restart the install
- Part-way through the install will complain about your domain not having a DNS record, change the domain to your publicly registered domain (without server hostname, so
- At the end of the install, address the unconfigured item (ie an admin password)
Once the install is completed, login to administer the exchange server using https://mail:7071
To enforce https for Zimbra Desktop clients use the following commands (requires a restart to take effect)...
su - zimbra zmtlsctl https
High CPU Workaround
Zimbra seems to have some real issues with constant high CPU spikes every minute, to limit reduce the logging retention and failed process checking.
su - zimbra zmlocalconfig -e zmmtaconfig_interval=6000 zmprov mcf zimbraLogRawLifetime 7d zmprov mcf zimbraLogSummaryLifetime 30d /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogprocess crontab -e */60 * * * * /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog
zmlocalconfig -e zmmtaconfig_interval=6000
- Increase service failure watchdog interval to 6000 secs
Above seems to help, but doesn't fix things...! Additionally, to disable the logging process, maybe (uncomplete)
su - zimbra hostname # Gives your server's hostname zmprov ms <hostname> -zimbraServiceEnabled logger