Background Jobs (PowerShell)

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This feature allows Cmdlets to run as background jobs. Its fairly easy to work out how to make individual Cmdlet's or PowerShell scripts to run as jobs (see about_Jobs, but running functions are a bit more of a pain as the job runs in a new scope (so any functions, variables etc that are defined in your scripts scope, have no meaning in the background job's scope). Therefore functions, etc, have to explicitly included as a script block in the background job...

# First define the script block and function
$funky = {
    function TestJob {
        $processList = Get-Process
        Return $processList                          # Yes could be achieved in one line, but wouldn't be much of a function!

# Start job
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {TestJob} -InitializationScript $funky

$job | Format-List *                                 # Displays created $job object

Wait-Job -job $job                                   # Wait on completion of job
Receive-Job -job $job                                # Gets result of $job (ie result of Get-Process)
Get-Job                                              # Shows list of jobs (current and completed)

Arguments have to be passed through to the job through the -InputObject parameter, which isn't particularly pretty. For further info see for a decent explanation, though I do kind of cover this below.

Script Block or Script File...? Your background task can either take the form of a script block, or a script file. Personally I prefer to keep everything in one script as it makes organisation easier, up to an extent. There is a limit to size of a script block, no idea what it is, as the script I as trying to mangle into running as jobs was large (20 KB, nearly 1000 lines) and I didn't have a convenient way to test. But your jobs will fail if they're too big.

Job Control

Below is a fuller example of using background jobs to manage multiple work streams

Further reading...

$funky = {
    function TestJob {
        $var = $Input.<>4__this.Read()
        Write-Host "This is job " $var[0]
        Start-Sleep $var[1]

$jobs = @()
$job = "" | Select Name, Vars, State, Obj
$job.Name = "Job1"
$job.Vars = ($job.Name, 10)
$jobs += $job
$job = "" | Select Name, Vars, State, Obj
$job.Name = "Job2"
$job.Vars = ($job.Name, 5)
$jobs += $job

foreach ($job in $jobs) {
    Write-Host ("Starting " + $job.Name)
    $job.Obj = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {TestJob} -InitializationScript $funky -Name $job.Name -InputObject $job.Vars
    $job.State = "Running"

# Idle loop
While (1) {
    $JobsRunning = 0
    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
        if ($job.State -ne $job.Obj.JobStateInfo.state) {
            Write-Host ($job.Name + " state now " + $job.Obj.JobStateInfo.state)
            $job.State = $job.Obj.JobStateInfo.state
        if ($job.State -eq "Running") {
            $JobsRunning += 1
   Write-Host ("$JobsRunning of " + $jobs.count + " jobs still running")
   if ($JobsRunning -eq 0) {
   Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "All finished...!"

# To see output from jobs
# Get-Jobs              - shows list of jobs
# Receive-Job -Id x     - shows the data returned from the job

Transcripts / Logging

I haven't been able to get transcripts working properly with background jobs, at least, not to my liking. It is possible to capture the console output from a background job into the transcript of the parent or master script. But if you're running a large background job script and want to capture the transcript/logging from job separately you have to faff around - you can't just start and stop transcribing from within the (child) background job script, it won't write anything to disk.

Similarly, you can't redirect the output from Receive-Job to a file, you'll lose some of the output (I think this may only capture StdErr and/or explicitly returned objects, standard Write-Host output is dropped).

One way around this is to stop the transcript for your master/parent script, then start a temporary trasncript to capture then return from your child job once its finished, so so something like...

if ($job.State.ToString() -eq "Completed") {
    Write-Host ($job.Name + " writing log to job-" + $job.Name + ".log")
    # Nasty logging handling (Receive-Job StdOut to console only, can't redirect to file, can only catch StdErr to file)
    Start-Transcript -Path ("job-" + $job.Name + ".log")
    Receive-Job -Id $job.job.Id
    Start-Transcript -Path $Logfile -Append


  • Working Directory
    • The background job script runs in a new context, therefore it runs in the default path. If you tend to run your scripts from a non-default path, and need to read/write files, get the current directory using Get-Location and pass it to your job as a parameter, then use Set-Location in your job.
  • VMware PowerCLI 64 bit
    • Due to a bug you can't launch background jobs against VMware vSphere (VI4) hosts in a 64-bit environment, PowerShell will crash. Its probably a bug in PowerCLI, and will hopefully be fixed in a future release (bug exists in v4.1u1 and possibly other versions). You can run scripts in 32-bit (see Useful One-Liners on how to detect in your script).