vApp Script Extracts and Examples

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Set VM Start/Stop Options

The following script sets all virtual machines within a vApp to have the same Start and Stop options (personally I don't like the default "power off" setting for VM's, I don't understand why you'd do this when the more graceful guest shutdown is available).

<# ========================================================================================================================================
  vApp VM Start / Stop method updater
  Simon Strutt        Jan 2011

  Used to give all VM's within a vApp the same start and stop methods

 Version 1 
  - Initial creation
$vAppName = "YourvAppName"
$StartDelay = 120
$StartVMToolsReady = $true
$StopDelay = 120
$StopMethod = "guestShutdown"
#$StopMethod = "powerOff"
#$StopMethod = "suspend"
#$StopMethod = "none"

# Get view of vApp
$vAppView = Get-View (Get-vApp $vAppName)

# Prep reconfig object
$vAppConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppConfigSpec
$vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppEntityConfigInfo[] ($vAppView.vAppConfig.EntityConfig.Count)

# Go through each child and check config is as we wish
$i = 0
foreach ($vm in $vAppView.vAppConfig.EntityConfig) {
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i] = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppEntityConfigInfo
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i].key = $vm.Key
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i].tag = $vm.Tag
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i].startDelay = $StartDelay
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i].waitingForGuest = $true
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i].stopDelay = $StopDelay
    $vAppConfigSpec.entityConfig[$i].stopAction = $StopMethod
    $i ++
