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(→‎Scope: Updated to include declaring a variable within a function)
(→‎Getting Started: Added "Slow Start-Up")
Line 30: Line 30:
=== Installed Version ===
=== Installed Version ===
To check the main installed version use the following command...
To check the main installed version use the following command...
<source lang="powershell"> get-host | select version </source>.
<source lang="powershell"> get-host | select version </source>
However, if you might have installed something other than the normal RTM or GA release version you'll need to the registry key <code>HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1</code>, which will have the following values of interest...
However, if you might have installed something other than the normal RTM or GA release version you'll need to the registry key <code>HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1</code>, which will have the following values of interest...
Line 46: Line 46:
=== Help Commands ===
=== Help Commands ===
<source lang="powershell">Get-Help <cmd>              # Provides help for CmdLets, use wildcards to broaden results.
<source lang="powershell">Get-Help <cmd>              # Provides help for CmdLets, use wildcards to broaden results.
<object> | Get-Member      # Provides information about an object
$object | Get-Member      # Provides information about an object (variable)
<variable>.gettype()       # Provides variable type info (string, array, etc)</source>
$object.gettype()         # Provides variable type info (string, array, etc)</source>

=== Include Files ===
=== Include Files ===
Line 54: Line 54:
. .\lib\include_file.ps1
. .\lib\include_file.ps1
=== Slow Start-Up ===
PowerShell isn't the fastest thing in the world to start, the fact that a basic PowerShell command prompt uses of 50MB of RAM gives some indication that its not lean and mean (but once up and running, and when running efficient script it can be ''very'' fast).  However if its taking minutes rather than seconds to start then there is something going wrong.
Normally this is due to the fact that the machine you're running from has no (or limited) internet access.  To workaround the problem you need to disable Certificate Revocation Checking...
# In '''Control Panel''', open '''Internet Options'''
# Go to the '''Advanced''' tab, and scroll down to the '''Security''' section
# Untick the '''>Check for publisher's certificate revocation'''
There is no increased security risk imposed by doing this on a machine with no/limited internet access, as the checks were previously timing-out and being bypassed anyway.

== Useful One-Liners ==
== Useful One-Liners ==

Revision as of 15:08, 19 April 2012

See also...

Getting Started


Subject specific useful links are listed in the sections below, the following provide links to installers and general documentation

Whilst Win2008 ships with Powershell it isn't necessarily available, to install...

  1. Go to Server Manager
  2. Go into Features, then Add Features
  3. Tick Windows Powershell, and then Next

Normally a restart isn't required

If you're running scripts from a machine that does not have (or has dodgy) internet access, you need to disable certificate checking

  1. In Internet Explorer
  2. Go to Internet Options, and then Advanced
  3. Then under Security uncheck Check for publisher's certificate revocation

Execution Policy

On the first run you need to allow Powershell to scripts (you need to run this command as an administrator, so if you're using Windows 7, for example, you'll need to start the Powershell console as an administrator, regardless of whether you're currently logged in as an admin). If you have no admin rights over the PC you're using, then you'll need to select the Suspend option rather than Yes (sets just for your current session, doesn't try to write to the registry).

 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

It is possible to bypass the Execution Policy entirely (though you do so at your own risk, should only be used to run a script you trust where you haven't the time to fix the underlying problem, and should be reverted afterwards)...

 Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Installed Version

To check the main installed version use the following command...

 get-host | select version

However, if you might have installed something other than the normal RTM or GA release version you'll need to the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1, which will have the following values of interest...

Value Data Meaning
Install 1 Installed (not version number)
PID 89383-100-0001260-04309 RTM (Release to Manufacturing)
PID 89393-100-0001260-00301 RC2 (Release Candidate 2)

For more info on release version acronyms, see Software Release Life Cycle

Help Commands

Get-Help <cmd>              # Provides help for CmdLets, use wildcards to broaden results.
$object | Get-Member       # Provides information about an object (variable)
$object.gettype()          # Provides variable type info (string, array, etc)

Include Files

In order to include another Powershell script in a parent script, use a . and then the path to the file (there's a space between them), eg

. .\lib\include_file.ps1

Slow Start-Up

PowerShell isn't the fastest thing in the world to start, the fact that a basic PowerShell command prompt uses of 50MB of RAM gives some indication that its not lean and mean (but once up and running, and when running efficient script it can be very fast). However if its taking minutes rather than seconds to start then there is something going wrong.

Normally this is due to the fact that the machine you're running from has no (or limited) internet access. To workaround the problem you need to disable Certificate Revocation Checking...

  1. In Control Panel, open Internet Options
  2. Go to the Advanced tab, and scroll down to the Security section
  3. Untick the >Check for publisher's certificate revocation

There is no increased security risk imposed by doing this on a machine with no/limited internet access, as the checks were previously timing-out and being bypassed anyway.

Useful One-Liners

Command Description
Get-Content <file-path> | Out-GridView Display (log)file in the nice Grid View window
(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath Current working directory
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name Current script or function name (if in a function)
$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE Environment architecture (32 or 64 bit), not OS architecture
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle Command shell title (change at will)


All variable names are prefixed with a $, and are case insensitive (though there's no reason to not use CamelBack notation if that floats your boat).

Apart from a few reserved words and characters there's little restriction on what can be used, though note that this flexibility can cause the occasional issue, whereby PowerShell gets confused as to where a variable name finishes. Variable names can be enclosed in { } in order to delimit them, eg ${varname}.

Powershell is all about manipulating objects, and its variables are all essentially the same, not being specifically defined as an object, string, integer, etc. Which is normally useful, however sometimes you need to force a variable to contain a data type. Using a prefix of [type] achieves this...

 [string]$result = $PingResult.Status

Data types

Notation Data Type
[bool] True / false
[single] Single-precision 32-bit floating point number
[double] Double-precision 64-bit floating point number
[byte] 8-bit unsigned character
[int] 32-bit integer
[long] 64-bit integer
[decimal] 128-bit decimal
[char] Single character
[string] String of characters
[datetime] Date and time
[timespan] Time
[xml] XML object
[array] Array
[wmi] Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) instance or collection
[wmiclass] WMI class
[adsi] Active Directory Services object
[Boolean] True or False value

Variable Information

As variables tend to be black boxes that can contain anything or nothing, its often necessary to understand more about one...

Variable Type

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Object[]                                 System.Array

Variable Properties and Methods

$var | Get-Member

It's not uncommon for objects provided by API's to provide methods that are in fact objects themselves, you can end up with a lot of information being available once you're capable of drilling into them.


Checking whether a variable is NULL or not can be problematic. In that the easiest test doesn't always work.

Basic test for whether a variable exists or not, works in most cases...

if (!$var) {
    "Variable is null"

If you expect your variable to be NULL or contain a positive number...

if ($var -gt 0) {
    "Variable is NOT null"

Last resort test...

if ($var.gettype().ToString() -eq "System.DBNull") {
    "Variable is null"


Variables only fully exist within the scope of the script or function within which they are defined. Within functions local copies of a variable are available, but manipulating them has no effect on the real/master variable in the main scope, to get around this you can use script to enforce using the variable that's in the main script's scope...

function Local-Add($text) {
    $List += $text

function Global-Add($text) {
    $script:List += $text

$List = @() 
$List += "Text message ONE"
$List.Length                           # List contains one entry
Local-Add "Text message TWO"
$List.Length                           # List still contains one entry
Global-Add "Text message THREE"
$List.Length                           # List now contains two entries

Similarly, you can create a variable within a function that has global scope...

function Create-Var {
    if (!$TestVar) {
        $script:TestVar = "stuff"
        Write-Host 'Created $TestVar'
    } else {
        Write-Host '$TestVar already exists'

Write-Host '$TestVar contains [' $TestVar ']'

...which when run produces the following output...

Created $TestVar
$TestVar already exists
$TestVar contains [ stuff ]

You can achieve the same result by using the Set-Variable CmdLet with the -Scope parameter instead of script, for example...

function Create-Var {
    if (!$TestVar) {
        #$script:TestVar = "stuff"
        Set-Variable -Name TestVar -Value "stuff" -Scope 1
        Write-Host 'Created $TestVar'
    } else {
        Write-Host '$TestVar already exists'

Write-Host '$TestVar contains [' $TestVar ']'


Basic manipulation tasks can be carried out by using the string object's methods, eg "string".PadRight(10) , see Get-Member -InputObject "Text" for full details.

Concatenation +

$strAB = $strA + $strB

Interpolation allows variables to be embedded into a string and to be resolved into their actual values. This works between double quotes, but not between single quotes...

PS E:\> $sub = "replaced"
PS E:\> Write-Output "Variable has been $sub"
Variable has been replaced
PS E:\> Write-Output 'Variable has been $sub'
Variable has been $sub

To search for specific text in a string...

if (Select-String -InputObject $text -Pattern "StringToFind" -Quiet)
        # StringToFind found in $text

Match (basic)
To do a basic search/match...

if ($res.Contains("Success")) {
    # String did contain
} else {
    # Didn't

...which is much preferable to...

if ($res.CompareTo("Success")) {
    # Didn't match (CompareTo returns 1 if comparison fails !)
} else {
    # Did match

Match (extract)
To extract text that matches a regex...

$res = [regex]::matches($line, "\d{4}-[A-Za-z]{3}-Week\d{1}.log")
if (-not $res.Count)
    # No matches found
} else {
    $res1 = $res.Item(1).Value      # 1st match to regex

See Regular Expressions for further info on regex stuff.

Basic find and replace can be done with a string's Replace method, eg to replace "\" with "\\" in the $query variable...

 $query = $query.Replace("\", "\\")

For proper regular expressions support, use the following syntax

 $query = [regex]::Replace($query, "search", "replace")

Strip Whitespace

 $string = $string.TrimEnd()

Escape Characters

Text Description
`0 Null
`a Bell/system beep
`b Backspace
`f Form feed
`n New line
`r Carriage return
`t Tab (horizontal)
`v Vertical tab
`' '
`" "


$array = @()            # Create blank array
$array += 34            # Add value to end of array

To create an array (table) with column headings, initialise an array, then create a row variable with the column headings and add this row to the array. This is convenient when building a table of data within a loop eg

$table = @()
foreach ($instance in $set) {
    $row = "" | Select Heading1, Heading2, Heading3
    $row.Heading1 = "something"
    $row.Heading2 = "like"
    $row.Heading3 = "this"
    $table += $row

Add rows to an array

> $array = @()
> $row = "" | Select h1,h2,h3
> $row.h1 = "esx1"
> $row.h2 = "HBA1"
> $row.h3 = "LUN1"
> $array = $array + $row
> $row = "" | Select h1,h2,h3
> $row.h1 = "esx2"
> $row.h2 = "HBA1"
> $row.h3 = "LUN2"
> $array = $array + $row
> $array

h1                                      h2                                      h3
--                                      --                                      --
esx1                                    HBA1                                    LUN1
esx2                                    HBA1                                    LUN2

Select row from array
Using above array as example...

> if (($array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx2"})) {"true"} else {"false"}
> if (($array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx3"})) {"true"} else {"false"}
> $array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx2"}

h1                                      h2                                      h3
--                                      --                                      --
esx2                                    HBA1                                    LUN2

> $array |?{$_.h1 -eq "esx2"} | Select -ExpandProperty h2

Array Types
.NET Array Lists are far more flexible than PowerShell arrays. With ArrayLists you can easily Add and Remove members and generally enjoy much more flexibility when it comes to manipulating its contents. Despite showing a full range of available methods (when piped through a Get-Member), PS arrays generally don't have many available methods. To confirm the type that you have...

> $ArrayList.gettype()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     ArrayList                                System.Object

> $PSArray.gettype()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Object[]                                 System.Array

To force the creation of a .NET array from a PowerShell CmdLet, create one in a fashion such as this...

$a = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList(,(Get-Content test.txt))


$hash = @{}                                          # Create blank array
$hash["Name"] = "Value"                              # Add value to end of array
$hash.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name   # Sort hashtable


The object structure: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.datetime.aspx

Improper (US) Formatting

Be aware that if you live somewhere dates are normally formatted properly (eg not the USA), then Powershell (or the underlying DateTime object type) has a nasty habit of returning a string formatted with day and month swapped around when coming from a script.

If you do a Get-Date it all looks fine, but then you output a DateTime object in a script to some text and its wrong. Add the .ToString() method to the end at it'll sort itself, though quite why when Powershell is converting the object into a string anyway, the object needs to be explicitly told to fix the issue, seems a bit superfluous.


To control how a DateTime is displayed you can pass it through Get-Date with the -uFormat option...

Get-Date $datetime -uFormat "%R hrs, %a %d %b %Y"

Useful formatting examples...

uFormat Specifier Example
%R hrs, %a %d %b %Y 07:25 hrs, Fri 24 Dec 2010
%Y-%m-%d 2010-12-24

For the full list of formatting options see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.datetimeformatinfo.aspx

Or you can use the ToString method provided by the object, to convert the date. If you use a generic specifier you should get a local format output (though see note above about Improper (US) Formatting if things aren't behaving expected)...


Useful formatting examples...

ToString Method Specifier UK-Centric Example Output
<blank> 17/02/2011 13:07:33
d 17/02/2011
D 17 February 2011
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 2011-02-17 13:07:33
HH:mm:ss.fff 13:07:33.423

For the full list of formatting options see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee692801.aspx, and even more detail at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.datetimeformatinfo.aspx


function ConvertLocalToUnix([datetime]$datetime)
    ($datetime.ToUniversalTime() - ([datetime]'1/1/1970 00:00:00')).TotalSeconds

function ConvertUnixtoLocal($sincepoch)


Environmental variables can be accessed via $env

$env:userprofile                  # User profile (eg C:\Users\joeblogs)
dir env:                          # Show all available variables

Macros / Built-in Variables

Variable Description
$_ Either
$? Success/failure of previous statement - see Basic_Error_Handler
$Error Last error - array of recent errors - see $error
$LastExitCode Exit code of the last natively run application
$foreach Enumerator in a foreach loop
$Host Information about the machine being executed on
$args Array of arguments passed to a script - see Script_Arguments

Script Arguments

In order to be able to parameters to a script the $args variable can be used. Each argument is provided within the array in order, eg

# 1st param is send yes or no
# 2nd param is email address

if ($args[0]) {
    Write-Host "Email sending enabled...!"
    Write-Host "Will send to" $args[1]
} else {
    Write-Host "Email sending disabled."

So for example...

[PS > ./params.ps1 0
Email sending disabled.
[PS > ./params.ps1 1 test@abc.com
Email sending enabled...!
Will send to test@abc.com

Conditional Operators


Operator Description
-eq Equal to (implied case insensitive)
-ieq Equal to (case insensitive)
-ceq Equal to (case sensitive)
-lt Less than
-gt Greater than
-ge Greater than or Eqaul to
-le Less than or equal to
-ne Not equal to
-match Match (ie string contains) anywhere within string (can be regex)
-notmatch Does not match (ie string contains) (can be regex)
-like Like (ie string is), stricter than match (can be regex)
-notlike Not like (ie string is not) (can be regex)


Operator Description
-not Not
 ! Not
-and And
-or Or



When running commands that require a connection to a remote machine its useful to be able to store a user/pass combination so that you aren't repeatedly prompted every time you run a command. Create a credential object, then supply that in place of a username in a command

PS H:\> $cred = Get-Credential

cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
PS H:\> Get-WMIObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" -credential $cred -computer

SystemDirectory : C:\WINDOWS\system32
Organization    : TF
BuildNumber     : 3790
RegisteredUser  : TF
SerialNumber    : 69712-640-3560061-45009
Version         : 5.2.3790

However, this doesn't really help much in a fully scripted situation where you need to supply user and pass in an unattended fashion, for that you also need the help of ConvertTo-SecureString , but if you want to be secure you need to use Store Password Securely


The following example creates a Credential object that can be used for in place of Get_Credential

$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString $svr.pass -asplaintext -force
$cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $svr.user,$pass
$wmiobj = Get-WMIObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS" -credential $cred -computer $svr.ip

Store Password Securely

Adapted (a little) from http://bsonposh.com/archives/338 by Brandon This is a two stage process, 1st you have to create a file with your (encrypted) password in (its encrypted by the currently logged in user - so if its going to be used in a scheduled task, make sure the user that will execute the script creates the password file).

$Credential = Get-Credential
$credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content "Pass.fil"

Then you can use this in a script, the $cred is a standard credential object.

$pass = Get-Content "Cred.fil" | ConvertTo-SecureString 
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential("DOMAIN\user",$pass)

For a complete, but simple user/pass caching system use something like the following...

# Check for credential files, create if required
if (!(Test-Path $UserFile) -or !(Test-Path $PassFile)) {
    Write-Host "Credential files not found"
    $cred = Get-Credential -Credential ($env:userdomain + "\" + $env:username)
    $cred.UserName | Set-Content $UserFile -Force
    $cred.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content $PassFile -Force
    Write-Host "Credentials saved"
# Load password credential from encrypted file
$pass = Get-Content $PassFile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$user = Get-Content $UserFile
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($user, $pass)

...obviously to make the above more useful you'd test that the user/pass combo supplied was correct prior to saving to file.

Logged-In User's Credentials

To use the credentials of the existing logged in session where a CmdLet requires that you specify them use the following...

$cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials


The easiest way to setup logging from with a script is to use the Transcript functionality which will log all output to a transcript file. Note that Write-Host only places line feeds at the end of lines, not carriage returns, therefore Notepad will display such output as one long line. You'll need to use an editor that can handle lines only terminated by LF's (WordPad if you can't install anything, otherwise get something better, eg http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html).

Start-Transcript -Path C:\Users\name\Scripts\script.log -Append -NoClobber
# script

External Processes

One of PowerShell's greatest failings is its inability to run external commands with any predictability, severely limiting tits scope and often forcing you to run small PowerShell scripts from other scripts rather than having one all-in-control PS script. The following example demonstrates how to run any cmd line...

$cmd = "rrdtool.exe update $rrd $updates"
$proc_res = &$executioncontext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock($cmd)


Cmdlet for using WMI via PowerShell is Get-WMIObject. By default, it retrieves objects from the CIMv2 namespace for example...

PS H:\> Get-WMIObject -query "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem"

SystemDirectory : C:\WINDOWS\system32
Organization    :
BuildNumber     : 2600
RegisteredUser  : Somebody
SerialNumber    : 76487-OEM-0011903-00102
Version         : 5.1.2600

Further examples...

# Get OS CPU info (address width, speed, FSB etc
$cpu = Get-WMIObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE DeviceID='CPU0'" -credential $cred -computer $svr

# Get local disks
$drives = Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "Description = 'Local Fixed Disk'" -credential $cred -computer $svr

# Get Local Security Policy user right (namespace needs to be set as required WMI object not in default CIMV2)
Get-WmiObject -Class RSOP_UserPrivilegeRight -Namespace "ROOT\RSOP\Computer" -Filter "UserRight= 'SeLockMemoryPrivilege'"

Find Classes and Properties

In order to find the correct class use...

Get-WMIObject -list -credential $cred -computer | Select-String -InputObject {$_.Name} Win32*

To then see all the properties of a class use (if this doesn't work on remote machines (access denied) - it may be due to a known bug in Power Shell v1 whereby Get-WMIObject can't impersonate (or you may just have the wrong credentials)...

Get-WMIObject Win32_BIOS | Format-List *

TechNet article: Windows PowerShell Best Inventory Tool Ever!

In general its easiest to browse what's available to locatye what want by using the excellent PowerShell WMI Explorer



PS H:\> $objPing = New-Object system.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
PS H:\> $objPing.Send('')

Status        : Success
Address       :
RoundtripTime : 0
Options       : System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions
Buffer        : {97, 98, 99, 100...}

Name/Address Resolution

IP to Name

  • Be aware, where no name can be found, the call throws an exception. If assigning result to a variable, then it seems to return the local hostname, which is odd.
PS H:\> [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostbyAddress("")

HostName                                Aliases                                 AddressList
--------                                -------                                 -----------
L-STRUTTS1                              {}                                      {}

Name to IP

PS H:\> [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("l-strutts1")

Address           : 1394567327
AddressFamily     : InterNetwork
ScopeId           :
IsIPv6Multicast   : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal   : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal   : False
IPAddressToString :

WoL Script

This script is largely based on stuff from http://thepowershellguy.com/blogs/posh/archive/2007/04/01/powershell-wake-on-lan-script.aspx

script-file version
param ([String]$macString = $(throw 'mac address is required'))
$mac = $macString.split(':') | %{ [byte]('0x' + $_) }

if ($mac.Length -ne 6)
   throw 'mac address must be 6 hex numbers separated by :'

$UDPclient = new-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 6)
$packet += $mac * 16
write-debug ([bitconverter]::tostring($packet))

[void] $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)
[void] $UDPclient.Close()
write-debug "Wake-On-Lan magic packet of length $($packet.Length) sent to $macString"

Exceptions and Error Handling

To control how a script behaves as a result of an exception, modify the $ErrorActionPreference variable, if required. In the default continue mode, an error will output to the screen, then the script will continue. By outputting the error to the screen PowerShell CmdLets consider the exception to have been handled! If you want the opportunity to catch or trap you must append -ErrorAction:Stop to the CmdLet you expect might fail.

Value Effect
Continue [Default] Outputs error, but keeps processing
SilentlyContinue No output and it keeps going
Inquire Prompt user for action
Stop Outputs error and halts processing


Provides a list of recent errors experienced - which can be invaluable for properly identifying and investigating errors. The object is the same as found in a pipeline when an exception has occurred.

Property Description Example (VC login error)
$error[1].Exception.GetType().FullName Error class for specific error [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.ErrorHandling.InvalidLogin]
$error[1].Exception.Message User friendly error message 16/11/2010 10:32:52 Connect-VIServer Login failed due to a bad username or password.
$error[1].ErrorDetails.Message Shorter friendly error message Login failed due to a bad username or password
$error[1].CategoryInfo.Reason Short error message InvalidLogin
$error[1].InvocationInfo Invocation info (what triggered exception) Various info including script command

Basic Error Handler

If you know where the error is likely to occur, then just place an error catcher immediately after it. This doesn't stop the exception appearing on the console, but does allow you to take some action as a result.

if (-not $?) {
    # Handle error here


Used to catch an exception in a script block where an exception may be likely. Stops the exception being shown on the console and gives you a chance to do something about it (as long as you've set $ErrorActionPreference to Stop or used -ErrorAction:Stop).

    # Something in which an exception is likely
    Write-Host "FAILED: $_"

The error returned by the CmdLet can be found in $_ , so this can be tested to ensure the error is as expected (just because you though a command might fail, doesn't mean it failed in the way you expected). For example, $_ will contain the bold bit of the following error.

Get-Log : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'StartLineNum'. The 0 argument is less than the minimum allowed range of 1. Supply an argument that is greater than 1 and then try the command again.
At C:\Users\simonstrutt\Documents\Scripts\ESX-LogTail.ps1:20 char:57
+     $ESXLog = Get-Log $logKey -VMHost $ESX -StartLineNum <<<<  $LineNo
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Get-Log], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,VMware.VimAutomation.Commands.GetLog 

This can be elaborated on to make the catch handling more specific, by making the catch block executed depend on the error class. The error class can be determined by making causing the error to be thrown, in which case the class can be found at $_.Exception.GetType().FullName .

try {
   $proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $endpoint -cred $credential -ErrorAction:Stop
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
    Write-Host "ERROR: Unable to connect to SOAP server"
    Write-Host $_
} catch {
    Write-Host "ERROR: Unexpected error"
    Write-Host $_
    Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
    Write-Host $_.Exception.GetType().FullName


Used to capture any unhanded exception that occurs anywhere. I tend to consider this a last resort catch-all, though really it depends on the nature of your script. For example if your script is reliant on a connection to a server that can go down, you can design a trap to recover from that specific occurrence rather than having to put a Try...Catch around every operation that could fail.

The key to an effective trap is allowing for the fact that anything might go wrong, therefore you have to set your traps up to handle only specific cases and in all likelihood stop on anything else.

trap {
    # Handle the exception

Background Jobs

This feature allows Cmdlets to run as background jobs. Its fairly easy to work out how to make individual Cmdlet's or PowerShell scripts to run as jobs (see about_Jobs, but running functions are a bit more of a pain as the job runs in a new scope (so any functions, variables etc that are defined in your scripts scope, have no meaning in the background job's scope). Therefore functions, etc, have to explicitly included as a script block in the background job...

# First define the script block and function
$funky = {
    function TestJob {
        $processList = Get-Process
        Return $processList                          # Yes could be achieved in one line, but wouldn't be much of a function!

# Start job
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {TestJob} -InitializationScript $funky

$job | Format-List *                                 # Displays created $job object

Wait-Job -job $job                                   # Wait on completion of job
Receive-Job -job $job                                # Gets result of $job (ie result of Get-Process)
Get-Job                                              # Shows list of jobs (current and completed)

Arguments have to be passed through to the job through the -InputObject parameter, which isn't particularly pretty. For further info see http://robertrobelo.wordpress.com/2010/03/14/background-jobs-input-gotcha/ for a decent explanation, though I do kind of cover this below.

Script Block or Script File...? Your background task can either take the form of a script block, or a script file. Personally I prefer to keep everything in one script as it makes organisation easier, up to an extent. There is a limit to size of a script block, no idea what it is, as the script I as trying to mangle into running as jobs was large (20 KB, nearly 1000 lines) and I didn't have a convenient way to test. But your jobs will fail if they're too big.

Job Control

Below is a fuller example of using background jobs to manage multiple work streams

Further reading...

$funky = {
    function TestJob {
        $var = $Input.<>4__this.Read()
        Write-Host "This is job " $var[0]
        Start-Sleep $var[1]

$jobs = @()
$job = "" | Select Name, Vars, State, Obj
$job.Name = "Job1"
$job.Vars = ($job.Name, 10)
$jobs += $job
$job = "" | Select Name, Vars, State, Obj
$job.Name = "Job2"
$job.Vars = ($job.Name, 5)
$jobs += $job

foreach ($job in $jobs) {
    Write-Host ("Starting " + $job.Name)
    $job.Obj = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {TestJob} -InitializationScript $funky -Name $job.Name -InputObject $job.Vars
    $job.State = "Running"

# Idle loop
While (1) {
    $JobsRunning = 0
    foreach ($job in $jobs) {
        if ($job.State -ne $job.Obj.JobStateInfo.state) {
            Write-Host ($job.Name + " state now " + $job.Obj.JobStateInfo.state)
            $job.State = $job.Obj.JobStateInfo.state
        if ($job.State -eq "Running") {
            $JobsRunning += 1
   Write-Host ("$JobsRunning of " + $jobs.count + " jobs still running")
   if ($JobsRunning -eq 0) {
   Start-Sleep 1
Write-Host "All finished...!"

# To see output from jobs
# Get-Jobs              - shows list of jobs
# Receive-Job -Id x     - shows the data returned from the job

Transcripts / Logging

I haven't been able to get transcripts working properly with background jobs, at least, not to my liking. It is possible to capture the console output from a background job into the transcript of the parent or master script. But if you're running a large background job script and want to capture the transcript/logging from job separately you have to faff around - you can't just start and stop transcribing from within the (child) background job script, it won't write anything to disk.

Similarly, you can't redirect the output from Receive-Job to a file, you'll lose some of the output (I think this may only capture StdErr and/or explicitly returned objects, standard Write-Host output is dropped).

One way around this is to stop the transcript for your master/parent script, then start a temporary trasncript to capture then return from your child job once its finished, so so something like...

if ($job.State.ToString() -eq "Completed") {
    Write-Host ($job.Name + " writing log to job-" + $job.Name + ".log")
    # Nasty logging handling (Receive-Job StdOut to console only, can't redirect to file, can only catch StdErr to file)
    Start-Transcript -Path ("job-" + $job.Name + ".log")
    Receive-Job -Id $job.job.Id
    Start-Transcript -Path $Logfile -Append


  • Working Directory
    • The background job script runs in a new context, therefore it runs in the default path. If you tend to run your scripts from a non-default path, and need to read/write files, get the current directory using Get-Location and pass it to your job as a parameter, then use Set-Location in your job.
  • VMware PowerCLI 64 bit
    • Due to a bug you can't launch background jobs against VMware vSphere (VI4) hosts in a 64-bit environment, PowerShell will crash. Its probably a bug in PowerCLI, and will hopefully be fixed in a future release (bug exists in v4.1u1 and possibly other versions). You can run scripts in 32-bit (see Useful One-Liners on how to detect in your script).